Monday, October 24, 2011

Buzy Buzy Bee....

These past weeks have been a whirl wind of shoot after shoot...( Not that that's a bad thing at all! )

I have had everything from families at Mingo Park to Trinity Hockey Photos at the Ice O Plex. It has been such a honor to be photographing for the Trinity Hockey Teams. The players are so much fun , and are soo hard on each other. Entertaining to say the least. The First team I worked with was the Freshmen team, and these boys gave me great laughs. Let me set the scene me standing on a bench against the wall taking the photos, one player getting his photo taken and two players standing next to me making him laugh. I quote
 Player getting photographed..." Just wait till we get on the ice"...  Player next to me..."Don't you remember there is no longer checking aloud"... Player getting photographed... "Coach didn't say anything about checking" It was one of those oooooooooh moments the parents were laughing, I almost fell off the bench of laughing. Its moments like this^ that make me love my job more and more everyday! The little moments they just put a smile on your face.

Whats next?? This week is packed with A Family, Senior and More Hockey Sessions as well as an Engagement session! Exciting!!!!!!