Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katie & Andrew Are Engaged!!

This past week I was asked by my friend Emily of Emily Hixon Photography to tag along and assist with an engagement session she had set up in Mingo Park. I of course jumped at the opportunity. We got to spend a cold, windy afternoon photographing just how in love Katie and Andrew are. ( You would never be able to guess they were shivering during there shoot). Here are just a few shots I got to capture.

I have a feeling this " Save the Date " idea will end up on pinterest. The cute story about this is they couple met in a math class. Andrew is also planning on being a math teacher! Love love LOVE the creativity behind it!!

And of COURSE we must not forget my ultimate favoriate thing ever!!! Silhouettes!

Thank you so much Emily for asking me to join for for the afternoon. I can't wait for the upcoming wedding season with you!

Katie and Andrew congratulations on your engagement. You two are so cute together!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Silhouettes are my MOST favorite images to capture during a session. By definition a  silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline and a basically featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black. I love how when viewing a silhouette your eye is instantly on the beauty of the subject, I love the simplicity of the backround, I just love it all.

This image is one of my all time favorite silhouettes. This past summer I had the opportunity to visit New York City for a week with my very talented best friend Vanessa. While we were there I got meet some other professional dancers and learned alot about the professional dance world. I of course had to capture there beautiful talent In the most beautiful City. As we were walking around Central Park we came across these beautiful hills of smooth rocks where you could sit on top and view he amazing skyline. Of course there was tons of people in there backround as well as buildings that were all very distracting, but it was the PERFECT location. After being discouraged by all the distractions we began to walk away I spotted it. There was this little whole right on the edge of the rocks I could lay in and shoot directly up to get just the sky in the backround. (Of course there was cigarette butts, and broken glass, and dirt for me to lay in , but hey anything for the PERFECT image). As I lay on the ground and these amazing dancers posed on the edge of the stone and on lookers looked on trying to figure out what these crazy people were doing I captured this AMAZZZZING Silhouette. Ahhh worth every second laying in dirt and trash!

Here are some other Silhouettes I have captured. Enjoy!