Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Curly Haired Cutie!!

A year ago it was gray skies, rain and gusts of winds during for there first first family session with me. Just a few days ago it was BEAUTIFUL blue skies, fall leaves, gigglie smiles and Antonio's cute little curls that made this fall family session in Mingo Park a HUGE success.

Thank you Dina, Sam and Antonio for a wonderful afternoon. You guys are such a lovable family and I cant wait to see you guys again. Hopefully Antonio will still have is curls. Dina I couldn't agree with you more keep them as long as you can. They match his personality perfectly!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jackie & Dave are Engaged!

How excited was I when I was asked to photograph this amazing couples wedding?! VERY. I have known Jackie for a few years after taking dance classes at the same dance studio, and just recently photographed her younger sisters senior portraits. After meeting with both Dave and Jackie to talk about there wedding details, I could instantly tell they were in love. It was adorable just the way they looked at each other brought a smile to my face. :) This past week we made our was to Canonsburg Town Park for there wonderful engagement session. They were so much fun to spend the afternoon with and we got some amazing loving shots.
Congratulations Dave and Jackie!!! I cant wait till your wedding! :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Buzy Buzy Bee....

These past weeks have been a whirl wind of shoot after shoot...( Not that that's a bad thing at all! )

I have had everything from families at Mingo Park to Trinity Hockey Photos at the Ice O Plex. It has been such a honor to be photographing for the Trinity Hockey Teams. The players are so much fun , and are soo hard on each other. Entertaining to say the least. The First team I worked with was the Freshmen team, and these boys gave me great laughs. Let me set the scene me standing on a bench against the wall taking the photos, one player getting his photo taken and two players standing next to me making him laugh. I quote
 Player getting photographed..." Just wait till we get on the ice"...  Player next to me..."Don't you remember there is no longer checking aloud"... Player getting photographed... "Coach didn't say anything about checking" It was one of those oooooooooh moments the parents were laughing, I almost fell off the bench of laughing. Its moments like this^ that make me love my job more and more everyday! The little moments they just put a smile on your face.

Whats next?? This week is packed with A Family, Senior and More Hockey Sessions as well as an Engagement session! Exciting!!!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Senior Number 2 Of Weekend of Seniors :)

The second senior of the weekend was Jessica :) Jessica is such a sweet, smart, not to mention EXTREMELY photogenic young girl. In the middle of the one and only Octoberfest going on in the middle of Canonsburg we met early in the morning before all the craziness happened and a million people were out and about enjoying them selves. We ventured out in the alleyways and stadium of good ole Canonsburg and got some amazing shots!

Here are two of my favorites :)

Weekend Of Senior Sessions:)

This past weekend I got the opportunity to photograph two wonderful seniors.

West Jones from Wash High is one talented young man. He is a medal winner in both the long and Trippe jump. I didn't know what that was until he taught me. If only I could jump higher then 2 inches off the ground. We had a great time exploring Washington and even had his Mom and brother helping me out by holding the reflectors. Here is a sneak peek of some of his images :)

Once Angela commented on how much she had liked a past photo
I did of two dances as a sillioute, I surprised her with this!! ^^

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First Blog Post!!!

So here is it guys... The Exposure Photography Blog. Ive been wanting to start a blog to be able to share all of my experiences with clients, friends and family. So for those of you who don't know me. My name is Susan Moyers I am the photographer and owner of Exposure Photography.

My love of photography started in High School when all I wanted to do was take art classes. Unfortunately I cant draw to save my life. (Unless I have some tracing paper and allot of time on my hands that is. ha ha) My art teacher at the time allowed me to take photographs for my projects and It just grew from there. I took the one photography class offered in my school that didn't give me enough I just wanted more. I began to enter into contests and with the first one I entered I won a Silver Key from the Scholastic Art Association. From that moment on I knew photography would be my "thing"

After High School I went on to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh for Photography. It was a great school to learn about all the different types of photography there is to get into out there. When I began there I was strictly wanting to do nature photography. I loved just going outside taking images of flowers, trees, birds, rocks, water falls any thing like that. That quickly changed after taking Jon Lisbon's Class to wanting to do advertising photography. For my final graduating portfolio I did "Advertising" images for "adult beverages" Jack Daniels, Apple Pucker, Mikes Hard Lemonade etc. I enjoyed being able to come up with different sets and taking my time to get the perfect lighting. After getting the awesome news I passed. I entered into the real world.

After graduating I had a hard time adjusting to life. My mom my biggest supporter and best friend past away right before graduating. It was a sad time in my life and I was really just trying to find a way to deal with it. I had a full time job for about a year and a half working at a photography studio editing, answering phones, making appointments, but never actually taking photos. It began to take a toll on my happiness and one day a light bulb went off when I was looking in the mirror at the tattoo I got shortly after my mom passed away that says "Reach For The Stars" She always told me to "Reach For The Stars and Follow Your Dreams and Everything Will Work Out" Shortly after I quit my job, and found a part time job so I could start photographing again just for fun. After photographing with friends and family I realized I really enjoyed photographing people. Talking to them getting there story, capturing that moment in time they will remember forever.

And that's where I am now photographing people of all kinds... Seniors, Models, Babies, Children, Families, Engagements and Weddings. I offer on location "lifestyle" portraits. Nothing is off limits to me. I often get comments on me standing on bridges, dumpsters and even trash cans to get the perfect shot. I also get comments on how excited I get while I'm actually photographing a client when I get the perfect photograph I act like a little kid and usually scream.. "ohhh yayyy its perfect."
I'm proud to say I am a photographer for a living. And everyday I'm doing just as my mom would want me to.
Reaching For The Stars &Following My Dreams!