Thursday, January 19, 2012


As many of you know I started my photography business a year ago. With my logo already made I designed a website, facebook fan page, business cards and had many friends and family spread and share my work. From there business EXPLODED.  I have loved every second I get to spend with my clients, becoming friend with them and watching some of them grow from beautiful babies to teething tots. ( I absolutely lovvvve when baby's turn one and all they have to a few tiny little teeth, I think its the CUTTTTEST thing ever. ) As well as my clients growing with my business, my business has grown with them. And as well as my business grew I grew with it as well, both personally as a person and as a photographer. Knowing more about my photography style I decided to "re brand" my business to better fit my style.

One of my new favorite parts of having my own business is coming up with the branding and marketing. I wanted my brand to be personal and more "me". I love cooler tones, I love more simple and modern, and LOVE pops of color. I have kept my original logo, and decided to have my color theme be black, white, gray and a pop of blue. With every order I pack up I always write a personal note to my clients, and thank them for there order. I also always ad a personal touch mentioning something that happened during there session. I do this because again In mt opinion nothing is better then developing a "relationship" with your clients, making them feel part of the Exposure Photography family.

Enjoy some examples of my NEW branding.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Camera Creations 101

Its FINALLY here!!!

After many have inquired on how to properly use there camera,We have finally put together a workshop just for you! Exposure Photography has teamed up with Emily Hixon Photography to teach you how to improve your camera skills.

Come join us for a day of learning and having fun.
Hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 What a year!!!

I could not be more excited for what 2012 has in store for myself both personally and professionally.  2011 has been such a successful for Exposure Photography and I couldn't thank all my wonderful clients enough for making it a year to remember. From babies, toddlers and seniors to engagements, dancers, head shots and families each and every day had something different in store.

Take a look as just a few of my favorite photos from 2011 :)

To view even more of my favorites from 2011 check out my facebook Exposure Photography page. And become a fan while you are at it! :)