Thursday, January 19, 2012


As many of you know I started my photography business a year ago. With my logo already made I designed a website, facebook fan page, business cards and had many friends and family spread and share my work. From there business EXPLODED.  I have loved every second I get to spend with my clients, becoming friend with them and watching some of them grow from beautiful babies to teething tots. ( I absolutely lovvvve when baby's turn one and all they have to a few tiny little teeth, I think its the CUTTTTEST thing ever. ) As well as my clients growing with my business, my business has grown with them. And as well as my business grew I grew with it as well, both personally as a person and as a photographer. Knowing more about my photography style I decided to "re brand" my business to better fit my style.

One of my new favorite parts of having my own business is coming up with the branding and marketing. I wanted my brand to be personal and more "me". I love cooler tones, I love more simple and modern, and LOVE pops of color. I have kept my original logo, and decided to have my color theme be black, white, gray and a pop of blue. With every order I pack up I always write a personal note to my clients, and thank them for there order. I also always ad a personal touch mentioning something that happened during there session. I do this because again In mt opinion nothing is better then developing a "relationship" with your clients, making them feel part of the Exposure Photography family.

Enjoy some examples of my NEW branding.

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