Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Drum Roll Please....

 After an overwhelming response in comments and emails, I want to thank everyone for letting me take a little peak into your lives. Its great to hear what means most to my followers, clients & friends.  I would also like to thank everyone for all of your support in my blossoming photography business :) Make sure you check back on the blog for more " Get To Know Me Mondays" , Current Weddings and sessions, and giveaways. You can also subscribe to me blogs in the upper right hand corner. Just enter you email address and you will automatically be sent an email with new blog posts :)

And without and further ado....
 ddadadadadadaadadadadadadadadadadada (<is that how you type out a drum roll?!?)

The winners are...
Dina Donini & Stacy Cushey
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You both won a $10 gift card to Starbucks!!

And because no post is complete with out a photo...

This is the BEAUTIFUL Orchid Eric bought me, that I have successfully kept alive for One week so far!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Get To Know Me Monday :)

When we are little we all have our favorite toys, cartoons, places to go play and stuffed animal. Personally I had a blue doodle bear that I was never seen with out named Doodles. ( I totally still have him , even though he is falling apart lol) What happens when we grow up? Do we still have the same interests? Are we still seen carrying around our stuffed bears, sitting in front of the TV in the mornings watching Doug and Pepperann? Most likely not. Ha ha While we all still have little kid moments, we all grow up and have lots of different interests, favorite things and places to go. It was hard to narrow down but here if a few of my favorite things I can usually never be seen without or at least talking about.
There is a special give away at the end of the post don't forget to comment :) Great prises.

1. My Black Chevy Cobalt! <3 I would not trade my car for the world. When I was graduating High school I had to choose a graduation party or a car, Of course I choose the car. My good grades totally came in handy. (Once I actually wash and wax my car ill post a pic, shes looking a little like I 4 wheeled in it)

2. I love traveling the past two years I have had allot of time to see many different places! My all time favorite place to be is the beach. Any beach really. Its so calm, relaxing and peaceful. Hearing the waves crashing, the sand in my toes and of course catching a few rays of sun.

My second favorite place is New York. I have only been there once for one week and after the second day that I completely fell in love and can NOT wait to go back.

Left Image: A friend of mine Vanessa who is a professional dancer, posed in times square while her friend Brandon stood over me as I layed in the  middle of the road so no one would trample over me. Talk about going the extra mile to get a shot.
3. Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks!!!

4. My Canon Camera. I just upgraded from a 40D and could not be happier! I also purchased a 50mm prime lens! It makes my heart melt every time I use it. lol

5. My wonderful boyfriend Eric Stefko. He is by far the best boyfriend in the entire world! No matter what we do or where we go we always have fun! He makes me smile when I'm sad. He knows how to calm me down when I'm beyond stressed and  supports me 150% with my photography business. I'm not sure what or where I would be if it wasn't for him!

6. My Aviators

These are just a few of my favorite things. My mom, dad and close friends can be added to the list. But then you would have nothing to read about in future "Get to know my Monday posts" SO more about them later.

And here is the moment you have been for... THE GIVEAWAY
I want to hear some of your favorite things. Do you love Starbucks? Whats your favorite drink? Do you have a favorite place to travel to? Anything I want to get to know you :) One lucky winner receive a Starbucks gift card, and another surprise! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Location Scouting

I have been wanting to go out and find some new locations from some up coming sessions. Well two days ago my friend Dane showed me an amazing location that was practically in my backyard!   Its filled with gorgeous wooden and rustic bridges, pathways and benches by the water. There is even a dock that leads out to the water!                        
  Is really all I can say! I cant wait to have a few sessions here!
          This location is the Jackpot of all locations. That is how excited I was as we were walking around! Here are just a few shots from our walk around the lake.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun Facts You May Not Know!

As many of you know I am a photographer. But what else do you know?!?! Well as a new chapter starts in my business, and many changes are soon to come one of my goals is to blog more.
Every Monday I'm going to post a little something about my self :) Calling it "Get To Know Me Monday"

So here are some little fun facts you may not know about my self :)

1. No matter how hard I try, I can NOT cook. :( However I have mastered the art of making Buffalo Chicken Dip!

2. Organizing puts a big smile on my face.

3. I love love LOVE shoes, but I HATE feet!!!

One of the many pairs of shoes I have!
4. Roses are my favorite flower. I know thats cliche , but there is a story behind my love of roses. Ill post more about that later. :)

5. I am an only child and would not change it for the world!

6. My birthday is June 19th 1988. I was born on Fathers Day, and my initials spell my dads name. Susan Ann Moyers. SAM!

7. I am left handed. When I was little I had the idea in my head that I would have a company that made only left handed products. Scissors, can openers, markers & pencils that don't smear as I write across paper.  ( If you are left handed you know exactly what I'm talking about.)

8.  I really want a Pug! I think they are the cutest little dogs ever!

Just look at his little face! So Cute!!
9. At the age of 23 I'm not afraid to admit my favorite movie is Finding Nemo! I also have a little pet turtle named Squirt just like in the movie!

10. Me + Any type of gum = Best Friends!

11. When I was little and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up,  did I say photographer? Nope , I wanted to me a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Coach! Why?!? I have no idea. I have never been or did I ever want to be a cheerleader.
       I also wanted to be a pastry chef.  The great story behind this is my mom was always very supportive of my dreams, so of course she would let me pretend I was a chef in the kitchen. My mom would always offer me her help but I wanted to do it on my own. One day I decided I wanted to make Mint Flavored Cookies! Yummmm! (Just wait this gets even better!) So I started by mixing flour and water to make the cookie dough. Eww! I then added toothpaste to give it a minty flavor. Yes you read that correctly TOOTHPASTE.  The best part of this story is that once my mom baked them she tried one with the biggest smile on her face. I however was to scared to eat the toothpaste cookie. I that isn't dedication to your kids dream of being a pastry chef, I don't know what is!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bloopers :)

You have all heard " This is just a test shot" and usually it really is a test shot, but sometimes I get some AMAZING facial expressions from them. As I was going though past sessions I found some great images that lets just say are One of a kind. Some being "test shots" others being priceless moments that simply cant be repeated. I'm sure they will brighten your day and make you giggle. :) Enjoy!
** Note to my clients I promise I didn't post anything to embarrassing!  :)
These two talented dancers were having a great time during there session! I captured some great facial expressions!
Ha ha this ADORABLE little boy its SO funny. Left Image = Us trying to do some fun outdoor images for Easter and suddenly rain and wind taking over. He is almost getting blown away! Right Image= At the very end of our session he was getting really excited, and he made this great face. Ha ha

This was one of those GEMS I didn't realize I captured until I uploaded the session on my computer. When I saw this I literally Laughed Out Loud! We were trying to get these to little cousins to sit next to each other for there image and of course they were all over the place. Della staring at Carson's bum while is was bending over = PRICELESS!
After a few tries we finally got it.

Left Image = Ashley jumping though the weeds and flowers after helping hold the reflector for her sisters senior session. Right Image = Kalys " Test Shot"

Left Image= Little Abby being super excited for her "Test Image"
Right Image = Poor Camden got his onesie stuck on his had while he was getting changed into his second outfit ha ha He is not going to like this image when he is 16 and his parents show this to his girlfriend. Your welcome Camden!
Left Image = Liam's One year smash cake session ended with cake all over his face and his foot.
Right Image = Someone is having a mini melt down ha ha and would not move from this position for at least 3 min haha poor little man