Monday, March 26, 2012

Get To Know Me Monday :)

When we are little we all have our favorite toys, cartoons, places to go play and stuffed animal. Personally I had a blue doodle bear that I was never seen with out named Doodles. ( I totally still have him , even though he is falling apart lol) What happens when we grow up? Do we still have the same interests? Are we still seen carrying around our stuffed bears, sitting in front of the TV in the mornings watching Doug and Pepperann? Most likely not. Ha ha While we all still have little kid moments, we all grow up and have lots of different interests, favorite things and places to go. It was hard to narrow down but here if a few of my favorite things I can usually never be seen without or at least talking about.
There is a special give away at the end of the post don't forget to comment :) Great prises.

1. My Black Chevy Cobalt! <3 I would not trade my car for the world. When I was graduating High school I had to choose a graduation party or a car, Of course I choose the car. My good grades totally came in handy. (Once I actually wash and wax my car ill post a pic, shes looking a little like I 4 wheeled in it)

2. I love traveling the past two years I have had allot of time to see many different places! My all time favorite place to be is the beach. Any beach really. Its so calm, relaxing and peaceful. Hearing the waves crashing, the sand in my toes and of course catching a few rays of sun.

My second favorite place is New York. I have only been there once for one week and after the second day that I completely fell in love and can NOT wait to go back.

Left Image: A friend of mine Vanessa who is a professional dancer, posed in times square while her friend Brandon stood over me as I layed in the  middle of the road so no one would trample over me. Talk about going the extra mile to get a shot.
3. Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks!!!

4. My Canon Camera. I just upgraded from a 40D and could not be happier! I also purchased a 50mm prime lens! It makes my heart melt every time I use it. lol

5. My wonderful boyfriend Eric Stefko. He is by far the best boyfriend in the entire world! No matter what we do or where we go we always have fun! He makes me smile when I'm sad. He knows how to calm me down when I'm beyond stressed and  supports me 150% with my photography business. I'm not sure what or where I would be if it wasn't for him!

6. My Aviators

These are just a few of my favorite things. My mom, dad and close friends can be added to the list. But then you would have nothing to read about in future "Get to know my Monday posts" SO more about them later.

And here is the moment you have been for... THE GIVEAWAY
I want to hear some of your favorite things. Do you love Starbucks? Whats your favorite drink? Do you have a favorite place to travel to? Anything I want to get to know you :) One lucky winner receive a Starbucks gift card, and another surprise! :)


  1. Venti Passion Tea Lemonade! Yummmy :)

  2. I love a certain 2 year old who won't smile for you :) He's my absolute favorite!

    I love my family and dogs, my green car that I drive to and from work, Matt's diesel truck and his old one rotting away on the farm, my camera and taking pictures of everyone and everything, my iPhone... I have no clue how I ever lived without it. Finally, I love France... I love the Parisian Metro (way too much) and Nice. It's way nice there ;)

    1. Have I seen this "rotting away truck"? Is sounds like a good photo idea!

  3. Hi Susan ....First of all I want to say I love your work!! Amazing pictures!! Here it goes,, I love my family first and foremost,, double chocolate chip frappe (my fav)!, my cat, he is awesome, his name is Hobson, I also love my tanning bed and I love doing 3rd grade homework with my son (because it's so easy) lol!¡! My mom is my best friend and one of my most favorite people in the world,, she would drop everything and go do for anyone,, she is an angel :-) This is really nice, I've never had anyone really ask me what I liked, I feel special, thanks Susan !! Have a great day everyone....!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Stacy :)

      Check out who won... I think your going to be excited!!!

  4. My sweet Sam, Antonio and Toby! And anyone who knows me knows I can't live without my amazing Dad and (just like you) Starbuck's!! Mmmmm! I'm a venting vanilla nonfat latte! Yum!

    1. Hahaha Dina that really made me giggle. I cant wait to see you guys again soon!

      Check out who won... I think you will be very excited!

  5. Hi Susan (love the blog today!). Hmmm... what do you not already know! I also loved (and still do) my first car. It was a 1996 Cavalier convertible and was so much fun! I drove it until it wouldn't go anymore or I would probably still have it today! My favorite drink at Starbucks is a Caramel latte, but only in the afternoon or evening. I don't like to drink warm or hot things in the morning (only cold)! :)

  6. I love starbucks, dolce and gabbana,and girls who dont wear anything from UGG or NORTHFACE :)
