Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun Facts You May Not Know!

As many of you know I am a photographer. But what else do you know?!?! Well as a new chapter starts in my business, and many changes are soon to come one of my goals is to blog more.
Every Monday I'm going to post a little something about my self :) Calling it "Get To Know Me Monday"

So here are some little fun facts you may not know about my self :)

1. No matter how hard I try, I can NOT cook. :( However I have mastered the art of making Buffalo Chicken Dip!

2. Organizing puts a big smile on my face.

3. I love love LOVE shoes, but I HATE feet!!!

One of the many pairs of shoes I have!
4. Roses are my favorite flower. I know thats cliche , but there is a story behind my love of roses. Ill post more about that later. :)

5. I am an only child and would not change it for the world!

6. My birthday is June 19th 1988. I was born on Fathers Day, and my initials spell my dads name. Susan Ann Moyers. SAM!

7. I am left handed. When I was little I had the idea in my head that I would have a company that made only left handed products. Scissors, can openers, markers & pencils that don't smear as I write across paper.  ( If you are left handed you know exactly what I'm talking about.)

8.  I really want a Pug! I think they are the cutest little dogs ever!

Just look at his little face! So Cute!!
9. At the age of 23 I'm not afraid to admit my favorite movie is Finding Nemo! I also have a little pet turtle named Squirt just like in the movie!

10. Me + Any type of gum = Best Friends!

11. When I was little and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up,  did I say photographer? Nope , I wanted to me a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Coach! Why?!? I have no idea. I have never been or did I ever want to be a cheerleader.
       I also wanted to be a pastry chef.  The great story behind this is my mom was always very supportive of my dreams, so of course she would let me pretend I was a chef in the kitchen. My mom would always offer me her help but I wanted to do it on my own. One day I decided I wanted to make Mint Flavored Cookies! Yummmm! (Just wait this gets even better!) So I started by mixing flour and water to make the cookie dough. Eww! I then added toothpaste to give it a minty flavor. Yes you read that correctly TOOTHPASTE.  The best part of this story is that once my mom baked them she tried one with the biggest smile on her face. I however was to scared to eat the toothpaste cookie. I that isn't dedication to your kids dream of being a pastry chef, I don't know what is!

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