Friday, April 20, 2012

Styled Bridal Shoot

As many of you know I have the opportunity to see the wonderful Jasmine Star in DC a few months ago for a wedding photography workshop called The Fix. Ever since I stepped out of the room of the workshop my mind has been non stop with ideas and inspiration.

To get one idea out of my mind and actually accomplished,  I planned a styled bridal shoot.  What is that? For those of you that are not sure it is a photo shoot completely set up by a photographer. Everything from models, locations, hair and makeup,  clothing the whole "sha-bang".

Last weekend I spend the whole afternoon with the beautiful Kaly. (I'll be photographing her actually wedding in just a few weeks!! CAN'T WAIT ) We had 2 dresses, 2 locations, 2 bouquets and lots of ideas for the day. After walking for what seemed like 3 miles, getting our feet dirty, being attacked by bugs and wondering why there was a random rooster walking around I would say we go some pretty awesome shots.

Before you see any of the STUNNING photos I would like to send out a few thank yous.

Kaly- Thanks for being my fabulous model for the day. I can't to capture every moment of your special day! On a side note I have asked at least 3 different people if we eat roosters and I have yet to get an actual answer. Haha

Hakeem- Thank you for being my assistant for the day. And "finding the light" I hope you get back into photography soon!!

A special thanks to Julie Gondringer for allowing me to borrow her actual wedding dress.

Malone Flower Shop for the bouquets.

And last but not least... Erica from B&S Hair for styling Kalys hair.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nicole | Senior Portraits

Since I just started blogging all of my sessions this past year I thought it would be fun to post some of my sessions from last year.  From babies to seniors you will get to see it all.

Meet Nicole. She is a 2012 Senior From McGuffy Highschool. Only a few months left of her senior year and I'm sure she is excited to be done. Last time I got to talk to her she was planning on attending a cooking/business school! (Maybe she can teach me a thing or two in the kitchen!)

Nicole, I had such a great time during your photoshoot! You are such a beautiful talented girl I know you will go far!  I wish you all the best in your future adventures. Reach For The Stars and Follow Your Dreams! <3 Susan

Monday, April 16, 2012

Get To Know Me Monday | Iron Deficiency

This "Get To Know Me Monday" is very personal. Every since I was a baby I have had very low levels of Iron in my blood. As I grew up it was discovered that I am Anemic. What is Anemia? Anemia occurs because of a lack of the mineral iron in the body. Bone marrow in the center of the bone needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of the red blood cell that transports oxygen to the body's organs. Without adequate iron, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells.

Anemia can be cause from many different things...
  • An iron-poor diet, especially in infants, children, teens, vegans, and vegetarians
  • The metabolic demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding that deplete a woman's iron stores
  • Menstruation
  • Frequent blood donation
  • Endurance training
  • Certain drugs, foods, and caffeinated drinks

  • Some of the symptoms of Anemia can be any of the following... Personally I have experienced all of them!

  • Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise
  • Shortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Pale skin
  • Leg cramps
  • Insomnia
  •  Easily Bruise
  • Easy fatigue and loss of energy

  • Now there are many different ways to help with symptoms of Anemia from pills to shots, however I'm one of those people who HATE taking pills, just the though of it gives me gooses bumps. And shots!!!! yea FORGET that. Usually I just suffer though and until I feel really sick do I suck it up and take an Iron pill. A few weeks ago while I was away visiting a friend I suddenly felt SO sick, my head was pounding, I was cold, I was dizzy and I could just tell I needed iron. Of course I didn't have any pills with me so I had to find something with iron to make me feel better. What did we find? Baby formula with extra iron. Within 5 min of chugging that lovely tasting thing (sarcasm) I felt like a whole new woman.

    Obviously I need to start taking better care of my Anemia! Throughout the past two years of dating Eric he has tried just about everything to get me to take my pills ( ha you would think I'm a child) . He has crushed my pills, mixed them with apple sauce, cut them in half everything. Nothing would work. Well yesterday he hit the JACKPOT fixing my little problem. Its called Pur-Absorb. It is this little back of naturally iron enriched water that you mix with half cup of just and drink. I have taken it for two days now and I have never felt so good. If you know anyone with this health issue tell the about Pur-Absorb it is AMAZZZING!

    Friday, April 13, 2012

    Dancers | Studio Fit | Rebranding

    Ahhh ... Ready and deep breath. This has been such a busy exciting week for me.

    Monday was the kick off of this years DEPAC annual photos. I got to spend the whole day with such talented girls. We did two different types of sessions, dramatic lighting and head shots. I am soo thrilled with how the portraits came out! I cant wait to show the parents!

    Here is just a few sneak peaks!

    I am also super excited Eric's sister Kate will be opening up "Studio Fit" a group fitness studio that will be opening May 1st. Studio Fit is going to have everything from Zumba, Yoga, Turbo Kick and much more. I have been helping paint the studio for the past two days. ( I'm still trying to get paint out of my hair lol) I'm so excited for her and can not wait to for it to open.

    Lastly I have been doing allot of work on my new website and re branding of my business this week. I am so excited to be able to announce big changes will be happening and I cant wait to share them!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Friday, April 6, 2012

    Its The Little Things That Matter Most | Keke | Portraits

    Sometimes life throws us curve balls and you don't really know how to handle them or why they are happening to you. I have been though allot of these curve balls with my mom passing away when I was just 20 years old. From that curve ball in my life if have learned that its the little things that matter most, to always stay positive and be thankful for each day you have.

    A local family/friend/client of mine had a medical curve ball hit them. And it really hit home to me. Patti suffered a medical hurtle that she is now on the "ups" of recovering and getting better. When I first met Pattie last year through DEPAC annual dance photos she was the nicest person ever. She just met me once and I instantly felt like I was family to her. She also spoke so highly of her daughter Keke it made me smile. While I heard she was recovering from some heath issues I though why not give her a little push and remind her what she is fighting for. I called Keke, told her my idea and it was history from there.

    Her dad dropped her off yesterday and we went around Canonsburg taking beautiful images for her mom. I was soo excited I could hardly contain myself. This is why I love photography! This is why I take portraits. To be able to touch someones heart and make them feel happy is why I LOVE my job.

    Pattie, you have a very special, talented young lady on your hands! I hope these photos brighten your day, and bring a smile to your face! <3

    Thursday, April 5, 2012

    Camden | 6 Months

    This weekend was a good friend of mine Bobby's Birthday. Happy Belated Birthday shout out to Bobby!! For his birthday we went to visit our friends Shauna, JT and the little one Camden. While Bobby and two other friends went on to Toronto for the day I stayed back with Shauna and got to do this little "mini session" Camden who is almost 6 months old & has the most breathtaking blue eyes. Camden wasn't feeling 100% that day, but we still got some ADORABLE shots.

     Its so hard being a baby! Haha I'm pretty sure Camden is trying to Tebow in the image below.

    Monday, April 2, 2012

    April Already! Say What?!?!

    Its April already? Really? I feel like just yesterday I was opening Christmas presents under the tree. Now I'm sitting here enjoying the bright blue sky, warm breeze and the sounds of the birds tweeting. What is there not to love about spring? You are no longer trapped inside because of the snow, there is Easter egg hunts to attend and fresh flowers to pick to set on your end tables 

     Things have been a little crazy over here with allot of new things coming your way. As my main goal  lately has been to blog more I have decided at the beginning of each month post some goals for myself as well as my business.  So here is it :)

    April is filled with LOTS of opportunity and projects. I will be starting my second year of working with two wonderful dance studios. Dance Extensions Performing Arts Center (located in Canonsburg PA) and Studio B Dance Center (located in Washington Pa) I love working with these beautifully talented dancers and cant wait to see how much they all have improved from last year.

    Two of the BEAUTIFUL girls from DEPAC

    April is also the beginning of wedding season. And I could not be more excited to get started. Thanks to a wonderful local photographer Jamie Knox of Storybook Photography I have a great opportunity to second shoot a wedding with her. Giving me more experience and being able to learn from such a talented lady.  ** Side note she is also taking photos of Eric and I together. FINALLY we get to have professional photos of us together. (I'm much more excited then he is!)

    Now for some goals for this month :)

    1. Work on finalizing my new branding and website.
    2. Shoot my bridal styled session.
    3. Stay organized with all of the wonderful sessions I have going on.
    4. Order Product samples, Canvas, albums and wedding pricing sheets.

    1. Since I'm in a wedding July 27th I really need to get my workout on!!
    2. Set a schedule for myself. Since I work from home when I'm not photographing It can be easy to get distracted by other things that need done.
    3. Enjoy life one day at a time.
    4. Stay on task with my re branding plans. (This can be both business and personal) I have lately been getting a little flustered with others around me, making me feel like I should have everything finalized and live with my new site and projects like two days ago. (I'm aiming for mid/end of summer) I want everything to be perfect!! But I really need to stop comparing myself to everyone around me and just stick to the plan!

    Do you have goals you set for yourself?