Monday, April 2, 2012

April Already! Say What?!?!

Its April already? Really? I feel like just yesterday I was opening Christmas presents under the tree. Now I'm sitting here enjoying the bright blue sky, warm breeze and the sounds of the birds tweeting. What is there not to love about spring? You are no longer trapped inside because of the snow, there is Easter egg hunts to attend and fresh flowers to pick to set on your end tables 

 Things have been a little crazy over here with allot of new things coming your way. As my main goal  lately has been to blog more I have decided at the beginning of each month post some goals for myself as well as my business.  So here is it :)

April is filled with LOTS of opportunity and projects. I will be starting my second year of working with two wonderful dance studios. Dance Extensions Performing Arts Center (located in Canonsburg PA) and Studio B Dance Center (located in Washington Pa) I love working with these beautifully talented dancers and cant wait to see how much they all have improved from last year.

Two of the BEAUTIFUL girls from DEPAC

April is also the beginning of wedding season. And I could not be more excited to get started. Thanks to a wonderful local photographer Jamie Knox of Storybook Photography I have a great opportunity to second shoot a wedding with her. Giving me more experience and being able to learn from such a talented lady.  ** Side note she is also taking photos of Eric and I together. FINALLY we get to have professional photos of us together. (I'm much more excited then he is!)

Now for some goals for this month :)

1. Work on finalizing my new branding and website.
2. Shoot my bridal styled session.
3. Stay organized with all of the wonderful sessions I have going on.
4. Order Product samples, Canvas, albums and wedding pricing sheets.

1. Since I'm in a wedding July 27th I really need to get my workout on!!
2. Set a schedule for myself. Since I work from home when I'm not photographing It can be easy to get distracted by other things that need done.
3. Enjoy life one day at a time.
4. Stay on task with my re branding plans. (This can be both business and personal) I have lately been getting a little flustered with others around me, making me feel like I should have everything finalized and live with my new site and projects like two days ago. (I'm aiming for mid/end of summer) I want everything to be perfect!! But I really need to stop comparing myself to everyone around me and just stick to the plan!

Do you have goals you set for yourself?

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