Monday, April 16, 2012

Get To Know Me Monday | Iron Deficiency

This "Get To Know Me Monday" is very personal. Every since I was a baby I have had very low levels of Iron in my blood. As I grew up it was discovered that I am Anemic. What is Anemia? Anemia occurs because of a lack of the mineral iron in the body. Bone marrow in the center of the bone needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of the red blood cell that transports oxygen to the body's organs. Without adequate iron, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells.

Anemia can be cause from many different things...
  • An iron-poor diet, especially in infants, children, teens, vegans, and vegetarians
  • The metabolic demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding that deplete a woman's iron stores
  • Menstruation
  • Frequent blood donation
  • Endurance training
  • Certain drugs, foods, and caffeinated drinks

  • Some of the symptoms of Anemia can be any of the following... Personally I have experienced all of them!

  • Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise
  • Shortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Pale skin
  • Leg cramps
  • Insomnia
  •  Easily Bruise
  • Easy fatigue and loss of energy

  • Now there are many different ways to help with symptoms of Anemia from pills to shots, however I'm one of those people who HATE taking pills, just the though of it gives me gooses bumps. And shots!!!! yea FORGET that. Usually I just suffer though and until I feel really sick do I suck it up and take an Iron pill. A few weeks ago while I was away visiting a friend I suddenly felt SO sick, my head was pounding, I was cold, I was dizzy and I could just tell I needed iron. Of course I didn't have any pills with me so I had to find something with iron to make me feel better. What did we find? Baby formula with extra iron. Within 5 min of chugging that lovely tasting thing (sarcasm) I felt like a whole new woman.

    Obviously I need to start taking better care of my Anemia! Throughout the past two years of dating Eric he has tried just about everything to get me to take my pills ( ha you would think I'm a child) . He has crushed my pills, mixed them with apple sauce, cut them in half everything. Nothing would work. Well yesterday he hit the JACKPOT fixing my little problem. Its called Pur-Absorb. It is this little back of naturally iron enriched water that you mix with half cup of just and drink. I have taken it for two days now and I have never felt so good. If you know anyone with this health issue tell the about Pur-Absorb it is AMAZZZING!

    1 comment:

    1. Cool!! I had anemia when I was pregnant both times and was SOO tired! I'm glad you found something that works for you (and glad you have turned my borther into such a sweet guy). :)
